Thursday, February 2, 2017

Welcome to my Cat Blog!

Crazy cat man? Yes, I've been called that for the last decade or more.  These two aren't my first two cats nor do I expect them to be my last, just as this isn't my first blog, but that's another story for another day.  I've decided it's time to once again open another blog to post what the internet needs most, more pictures of my cats!

First we have the fearless hunter Sheldon, who loves to run and chase his friend Lady Grey.  He's a crazy kitty boy and he loves to purr and play all day and night long.

Then there is Lady Grey, the sweet little girl who loves to cuddle when she feels like it.  She will often let you think Sheldon is being a bit rough with her just to get a bit more attention, though sometimes the boy kitty does get a bit too rambunctious.

That's our two kitties, the best presents of all!